Foxhound: Which Breed Is Most Compatible?

A Foxhound dog looking away from the camera

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If you have a Foxhound or are considering adding one to your family, you’re in for an adventurous and energetic companion.

But have you ever wondered which dog breeds would be the best match for your Foxhound? In this extensive blog post, we’ll explore the compatibility of Foxhounds with other breeds, taking into account factors such as temperament, energy level, and size.

Foxhound: Factors to consider

When it comes to finding a compatible breed for your Foxhound, there are several important factors to consider:

Foxhound Temperament

Foxhounds are known for their friendly, sociable, and highly energetic nature. They possess a strong prey drive and and love the outdoors. Which is how they earn the name “Foxhound” because they are used primarily in hunting.

When seeking compatibility, it’s essential to find a breed with a temperament that aligns well with the characteristics of a Foxhound and their energy levels. Here are a couple of breeds that often have compatible temperaments:

  • Beagles: These breeds share similar hunting instincts and have an active nature. Beagles can be wonderful companions for Foxhounds due to their playful and friendly personalities.
  • Vizslas: With their athleticism and love for outdoor activities, Vizslas make great companions for active Foxhounds. Both breeds thrive on exercise and exploration, ensuring a harmonious partnership.

Foxhound Energy Levels

Foxhounds are renowned for their high energy levels, endurance, stamina and of course hunting nature. It’s crucial to find a companion breed that can keep up with their activity level to ensure compatibility and prevent potential frustration or behavioral issues. Here are a couple of breeds that often have similar energy levels to Foxhounds:

  • Pointers: These athletic breeds possess abundant energy and can match the endurance of a Foxhound. Pointers excel in outdoor adventures and hunting, making them excellent companions for high-energy Foxhounds.
  • Border Collies: Renowned for their intelligence and boundless energy, Border Collies can keep up with the active lifestyle of Foxhounds. Both breeds thrive on mental stimulation and physical exercise, forging a strong bond.

And are a couple of breeds that have different energy levels to Foxhounds and therefore I would not mix them:

  • English Bulldog: Bulldogs are softer family dogs that tend to lead a less active lifestyle. English Bulldogs are typically calm and patient with a relaxed nature.
  • Pugs: Much like Bulldogs, Pugs are less active, relaxed and calm dogs. Due to their breathing issues they don’t require as much exercise.


As Foxhounds are a medium to large-sized breed, finding a companion breed that complements their size is important for compatibility. Ensuring a balanced and safe interaction between dogs of different sizes is crucial. Normally larger dogs prefer to mix with other larger dogs, or dogs of a similar size. Consider the following breeds that can be compatible with Foxhounds in terms of size:

  • Labrador Retrievers: These friendly and outgoing dogs often share a similar size with Foxhounds. Labradors nature and eagerness to play make them great companions for Foxhounds.
  • Boxers: Known for their playful and energetic demeanor, Boxers can be a good size match for Foxhounds, medium to large size. Both breeds can enjoy roughhousing and outdoor activities together, fostering a strong bond.
A Foxhound sitting against a fence in the woods waiting for an order

Credit User @unkown

Different Living Environments

Compatibility between breeds goes beyond just temperament, energy level, and size. It’s also important to consider the living environment in which the dogs will coexist. Let’s explore how compatibility can vary based on different living environments:

Apartment Living

If you live in an apartment or have limited outdoor space, finding a breed that can adapt to a smaller living environment is crucial. While Foxhounds are known for their boundless energy, they can still thrive in an apartment with proper exercise and mental stimulation. But it’s not very common.

However, it’s essential to choose a compatible breed that doesn’t have excessive exercise requirements and can adapt well to limited space. Breeds like Beagles, Vizslas, and Boxers can still be compatible as long as they receive regular exercise and mental enrichment.

Rural Living

If you live in a rural or suburban area with ample outdoor space, you have more flexibility in choosing a compatible breed for your Foxhound. With plenty of room to roam and explore, breeds with high energy levels and a love for outdoor activities can be a great match.

Foxhounds are natural-born hunters, so breeds like Pointers and Border Collies can be excellent companions as they share similar instincts and enthusiasm for outdoor adventures. These breeds can join your Foxhound in long hikes, runs, and mentally stimulating activities.

If you already have a Foxhound and want to add another dog to your family, compatibility within a multi-dog household becomes an important consideration. It’s essential to introduce the new dog to your Foxhound gradually and observe their interactions to ensure they get along well.

While compatibility can also vary depending on individual personalities, choosing a breed that generally gets along with other dogs is a good starting point. Beagles, Vizslas, and Labrador Retrievers are often friendly and sociable (with humans and dogs alike) making them potential compatible companions for your Foxhound.

Introducing dogs ensuring compatibility

When introducing a new dog to your Foxhound, it’s crucial to follow a gradual and careful process to ensure a smooth transition to compatibility. Here are some tips for introducing dogs and fostering positive relationships:

  1. Neutral Territory: Choose a neutral location for the initial meeting, such as a local park, where neither dog feels territorial (because a park is open and wide) because space is important.
  2. Controlled Introduction: Keep both dogs on a leash and allow them to sniff each other while maintaining control over the situation. You can also monitor their body language and behavior closely to avoid any dominance issues.
  3. Reinforcement: Reward both dogs with treats and praise for calm and friendly behavior during the introduction.
  4. Supervised Interactions: Initially, keep interactions between the dogs supervised to ensure their safety and prevent any potential conflicts. Gradually increase the duration of interactions as they become more comfortable with each other.
  5. Individual Attention: Give each dog individual attention and quality time to prevent jealousy and promote bonding with both you and the new companion.

Remember, the introduction process may take time and individual personalities play a significant role in compatibility. It’s important to be patient, observe their interactions, and make adjustments as necessary.

My Final Thoughts

Finding the perfect companion breed for your Foxhound involves careful consideration of various factors, including temperament, energy level, and size. Vizslas, Pointers, Border Collies, Beagles, Labrador Retrievers, and Boxers are just a few examples of breeds that often make compatible partners for Foxhounds.

However, it’s important to remember that each dog is unique. If you are unsure about any health issues, you should take your dog to a vet or seek professional help.


Q: Can Foxhounds live in apartments?

While Foxhounds are energetic dogs, they can adapt to apartment living with proper exercise and mental stimulation. However, it’s crucial to ensure they receive regular outdoor activities and enrichment to meet their needs.

Q: Can Foxhounds get along with small dogs or cats?

Foxhounds have a strong prey drive, so introducing them to small dogs or cats should be done with caution and careful supervision. Proper socialisation and training from a young age can help minimize potential conflicts.

Q: Are Foxhounds good with children?

Foxhounds are generally good with children and can make great family pets, from my experience. However, as with any dog, proper socialisation and supervision are important to ensure a positive and safe interaction between the dog and children.

Q: Can I adopt a Foxhound from a shelter?

Yes, adopting a Foxhound from a shelter is a wonderful option. Many shelters and rescue organisations such as Battersea dogs in London have Foxhounds available for adoption.

Q: Are foxhounds natural guard dogs?

Foxhounds are not usually considered natural guard dogs. They were originally bred for hunting rather than guarding or protection. Foxhounds have a strong prey drive and are known for their ability to scent people or animals, particularly foxes. Hence the name Foxhound. But while Foxhounds can be alert and may bark to alert their owners of unusual or dangerous situations, their temperament is generally friendly and sociable.

Q: Should I consider a mixed breed dog as a companion for my Foxhound?

Mixed breed dogs can make excellent companions for Foxhounds. The temperament, energy level, and compatibility will depend on the specific mix and individual characteristics of the dog. It’s important to assess each dog’s traits and ensure they align well with your Foxhound.

Remember, compatibility can vary between individual dogs, so it’s important to assess each dog’s personality and compatibility differently case by case. Take the time to understand the needs of both your Foxhound and the potential companion breed to create a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.

Olivia Williams

Olivia Williams is a keen writer and has spent 6+ years writing professional, research-based content. Specialising in everything home related, whether that’s smart home products or pet goodies, she has an extensive knowledge on home appliances, dogs and safety products with a lot of reviewing experience. Before joining ThirtyBlue Media, she wrote content for her own website. 

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